COMPLETEY demo driven, but I wouldn't really recommend watching this one

Azure is built using web standards (uri, HTTP, XML)
Exposes functionality so you can use it
Gives you choices/options for how you can take your code and hook your apps into it

Show an application that they built that lists processes on a box via a RESTful service.
Var request = WebRequest.Create(url
Showing how to manually call GET or DELETE against a RESTful service to list/kill the processes.

Net services Service bus
Going to host this service so that others can use it

First in their standard application, they edit the app.config
Change the endpoint so that the service is still hosted locally, but expose it online through the service bus.

LOL because it was now publicly available, everyone in the conference centre hit the service and tried to kill processes on their machine
So now he is going to put security on it
Going to put the security and ACL into the cloud

When you try to browse to the service it asks for your credentials. Either windows cardspace or user/pass
But when an application hits it, we need to the credentials in.
First he goes to get an auth token. It hits access control service
Then they set the request.headers to have the authtoken

Live services - 19minutes
Going to program against the live services
Logs onto their Live mesh desktop.  Can see a number of folders
Everything in live mesh is exposed as resourcesIn Visual studio, they point the URI
Change their code to get the authtoken from the live services by handing in their live username/password
Because it is all exposed in standard ATOM/REST can use DELETE to make mesh delete a folder
Can program against the live services without the SDK.
But we can use LiveFx to assist us
Var livefx = new LiveOperatingEnvironment

Storage - 29 minutes
Going to put things into blobs on Azure, then put them into SQL Services
Can pump things into azure by using PUT. So they put a .dll file there for fun
Can use a powershell script to hook into your azure store and list things in blob storageThey are now going to extract metadata from the .dll and put it into SQL services
Meh, unintersting. Manually creating a bunch of XML so that they can put it into SQL
Blah blah
10 mins later they've put a record in SQL. There'd better be an easier way to do it.
Querying the database by passing in a string which is a LINQ query

Publishing code to the cloud - 47 minutes
Creates a new Azure web cloud service
Pastes in their code, then creates a package, uploads it to Azure

By David Burela