Last month Miguel Madero (@Mamadero) presented at the Melbourne SDDN.

From the talks blurb:
During this presentation Miguel will share with us some of the tools and techniques used during the day to day Silverlight Development. Some of these tools will help us design, debug and keep our code neat and simple. Some of the topics covered are:

  • Http Sniffing
  • Visual Design Debugging
  • Silverlight Assemblies
  • Removing the need for INotifyPropertyChanged
  • Advanced Silverlight Debugging
  • Avoiding Code Generation of Web Services


Miguel did a great job showing how tools like Silverlight Spy and Fiddler can be used to greatly assist with debugging your silverlight applications. Techniques such as how to monitor the CPU/memory usage of your applications and how to detect why resources aren’t being loaded in your app (due to 404s). There was also a great section at the end on how to unit test your silverlight application

I recorded the session again for everyone to watch.

[vimeo 14818205]

[vimeo 14820339]

By David Burela